12th (and last) virtual EMLex Watering Hole at UL

On 3 June, day 24 of (progressive) deconfinement in France, took place the 12th (and last) virtual EMLex Watering Hole of the Tullio De Mauro class at the Université de Lorraine. One of the most important topics was the progression of Mahsa, Polina, and Temitope’s Master’s dissertations. Furthermore, the “Three Musketeers” and their coordinator wanted to say happy birthday to Mermoz, an EMLex graduate from the UL who is now a PhD student (in lexicography) under Stefan Schierholz’s supervision at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. Last but not least, the UL team gave credit to one of the EMLex students’ best friend: coffee.