Cross of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany for Prof. em. Dr. Oskar Reichmann

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Foto: Landkreis Göttingen
Being awarded the Federal Cross of Merit, first class, our admired colleague, Prof. em. Dr. Oskar Reichmann, recently achieved the highest official German award. It is the recognition for decades of his untiring commitment to working on and leading the research project and dictionary “Frühneuhochdeutsches Wörterbuch” (Early New High German dictionary; and 12 printed volumes) at the Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities. Oskar Reichmann also sees the award as an honor for his field of research.
At the side of his wife, Prof. Dr. Anja Lobenstein-Reichmann, he has been teaching in the EMLex A2 module for some years, besides being greatly dedicated to and interested in the development, the duration and the sustainability of the only international master in lexicography. In the upcoming EMLex 2021 summer term, Oskar Reichmann will continue to mentor our students in this module. The entire international Erasmus Mundus EMLex team congratulates Oskar Reichmann and shares the delight of the honored. The considerable cultural and social importance of lexicography has thus been confirmed by the highest authorities.
Stefan Schierholz, Coordinator of the Erasmus Mundus program