EMLex 2023 summer term: “Special field lexicography and terminology”
As part of the A5 module „Special field lexicography and terminology“, the Hungarian grammar researcher, Prof. Dr. Pál Uzonyi (Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem) gave a 60-minute lecture on „WSK-1 Grammar“ at the Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem on 9 May 2023. Pal Uzonyi, together with Stefan Schierholz, is the editor of this two-volume dictionary containing over 2000 pages and more than 4000 lemmas. The students of module A5 came to the lecture, who had received both WSK volumes from Stefan Schierholz as a gift before the lecture. Afterwards, the students asked their professor to sign the books. Very pleasing was the participation of some WSK authors from Hungary, who thus also spoke about their concrete experiences as writers in WSK-1. The editors of the volume were very pleased about this.