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Take part in this EMLex activity at USC:

The Faculty of Philology of the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela wishes to emphasize the value of lexicographic works. For this reason, we have launched an activity in which anyone can participate, no matter the age, educational background or mother tongue.
This activity aims to promote the use of dictionaries by means of tips, user experiences, or even by constructive criticism in the form of a short video. We want society to notice that it is more important to obtain quality information than to have immediate information that appears in the search engine. 
The idea we want to convey is: Invest your time. Use the dictionary. With ten more seconds… you choose quality information!
Video characteristics:
We suggest you do a recording between 30-60 seconds (no more than 60 seconds, please, it is important to try to respect the duration: be brief!). You can record the video with your mobile phone, horizontally. You can also do it in any language. Any kind of photos,  pictures, etc. can also be included.
Each video must be accompanied by a signed legal document giving consent for its use, given that it will be shown within the framework of the activities of the Erasmus Mundus Master in Lexicography, which are totally unrelated to commercial purposes.
Please send you video to this e-mail address: mt.sanmarco@usc.es.