EMLex concortium meeting and EMLex conference 2021 in Rome

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Last week the first big EMLex get together since almost 2 years took place in Rome. Starting with a first directors’ dinner on Tuesday and the EMLex concortium meeting on Wednesday, the event continued on Thursday with a workshop for the EMLex students of the María Moliner and Herbert Ernst Wiegand cohorts focusing generally on dictionary usage and teaching skills with particular attention to learners’ needs and competences. The results of the workshop were presented by two of our students at the International Conference „New Challenges in Dictionary Teaching“, which took place on Friday. The conference featured interesting papers about innovative aspects of teaching lexicography by renowned scholars in the field. Despite the G20 summit, which created some disruption in moving around, the week concluded with a pleasant day trip to Ostia Antica on Saturday. The principal organizers of the event were our Roma Tre coordinator Martina Nied Curcio (+ students and staff), and for workshop and conference Annette Klosa-Kückelhaus from the IDS in Mannheim. It was pleasure and honor to see everyone in person again after such a long and hard time.