EMLex graduation in Nancy

On 28 June, Jodelle, Karina, and Lola graduated with honours from the European Master in Lexicography (EMLex) at the Université de Lorraine. Jodelle’s dissertation was entitled “Entwurf eines Lernerwörterbuchs Deutsch-Ghomala’/Ghomala’-Deutsch für Kameruner Deutschlernende mit Ghomala‘ als Erstsprache”, Anja Smith acted as her supervisor, and Rufus H. Gouws (Stellenbosch University), as her foreign expert. Lola had worked, under Ingo Feldhausen’s supervision, on „’Falsche Freunde’ zwischen dem Galicischen und Portugiesischen: eine empirische Annäherung mitsamt lexikographischem Vorschlag“, Idalete Maria da Silva Dias (Universidade do Minho) being her foreign expert. As for Karina, her dissertation was about „Planning a historical-etymological dictionary of French borrowings of chemical terms in Ukrainian”, her supervisor, Éva Buchi, and Rufus H. Gouws, her foreign expert. The vivas and the ensuing graduation ceremony were nicely organised by Fiammetta Namer.

Jodelle, Karina, and Lola: the whole EMLex community wishes you the very best for your future!