“EMLex students are proud of their home universities” Episode 3

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The EMLex students of the Tullio De Mauro and the Maria Moliner classes have compiled six episodes of a series called “EMLex students are proud of their home universities”:

In this third episode of our “EMLex students are proud of their home universities” series, Jodelle, Mahsa, and Temitope share their opinion of the Université de Lorraine (UL, Nancy, France) with us:

– “I am proud of my home university because its library is well stocked and the staff is friendly and ready to help.” (Jodelle)

– “I am proud of my home university because of our coordinator who has a heart as great as the blue sky and taught me to stay as strong as this survivor pine tree.” (Mahsa)

– “I am proud of my home university because it is ideal for international students, because our coordinator is caring and motherly, and because Nancy is an amazing student city which offers the opportunity to learn French quickly.” (Temitope)