EMLex summer term in Erlangen has started

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The 2021 summer term at FAU has started. We are the hosts for the Herbert Ernst Wiegand cohort of the international study program “European Master in Lexicography (EMLex)”, an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree that has been funded by the EU since 2015. On 2 March, we welcomed the 18 EMLex students in a zoom conference, who come from 14 different countries and spent their first semester at our partner universities in Braga, Budapest, Katowice, Nancy, Rome and Santiago de Compostela. Almost all students have been able to travel to Franconia despite Covid-19, and restrictions on admission for the remaining few will hopefully soon be lifted. For the participants of the elite program the summer term started on 1 March already in order to accommodate the different semester start dates at our partner universities. The welcome week, which was held by FAU’s Central Office for International Affairs on 3 and 4 March, will be followed by a course on academic writing in the forthcoming second week, organized by FAU’s Language Centre and the Association to Promote Internationalisation. Afterwards, the semester will continue with block seminars where core issues like dictionary research, special field lexicography, dictionaries and translation, dictionary use, computational lexicography, online information systems etc. will be taught. These systems preserve important data on language, things, culture and society, making up a sort of digital memory for modern information societies. A master student in lexicography thus is a bookworm, but, most of all, a digital native. The Erlangen organisation team around Prof. Dr. Stefan Schierholz, founder of the EMLex and coordinator of the Erasmus Mundus program, hopes for many opportunities to offer events – of academic or cultural nature – in the course of the summer term so that our guests may enjoy the true life of our university city.

For further information on the EMLex 2021 summer term please visit https://www.emlex-summerterm-2021.phil.fau.eu/

Prof. Dr. Stefan Schierholz