Get together at the UL

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On 17 December, Fiammetta Namer organised an end-of-year get-together for the EMLex students at the Université de Lorraine. Anna and Kate from the Herbert Ernst Wiegand class, Feng and Olena from the María Moliner class, and Éva from the EMLex Promotion Committee attended, which brought the party to six participants, the maximum allowed in post-confinement France. Fiammetta started the meeting by an improvised (and much appreciated!) class about champagne, the sparkling wine that is produced in the East of France, not so far away from Nancy. Then Anna, Feng, Kate, and Olena gave some feedback about the UL winter semester. Amongst other important insights: (1) online classes about programming are especially challenging, (2) explanatory combinatorial lexicography à la Mel’čuk is a little bit like organic chemistry; (3) the common EMLex courses “Foundations of lexicography” and “Current problems of lexicography” are very well liked. Overall, a very pleasant event, and a much-needed one after all this time in lockdown.