Master defence at UMinho
It is our pleasure to announce that Yulianti Yudo of the María Moliner Class, enrolled at the University of Minho, Braga, Portugal, concluded her two-year EMJMD-EMLex Program successfully, having defended her Master’s Dissertation, titled ‚Analyzing Portuguese Loanwords within a Dictionary of Indonesian Language‘, on the 27th of June 2022.
We would like to wish Yulianti all the very best wishes for her personal and professional future.
A heartfelt thank you goes out to Dominik Brückner (Leibniz Institut für Deutsche Sprache – IDS) and Álvaro Iriarte (UMinho), supervisors of the dissertation, and Peter Meyer (IDS), external evaluator, and all the EMLex teachers and fellow students who contributed to Snizhana’s EMLEX experience.
Muito obrigada!