Master Thesis Defence of Yuliia, Deborah and Nargiz

Congratulations to our three EMLex graduates of the Carolina Michaëlis class (2021 – 2023) who have just defended their master’s theses at the University of Lorraine: Yuliia Kroviakova, Deborah Nebechukwu, Nargiz Rabatova. They defended their theses very successfully and we wish them all the best for their future careers!













In the foreground (from left to right): Yuliia Kroviakova, Deborah Nebechukwu, Nargiz Rabatova; Anja Smith & Yvon Keromnes (supervisors, UL).

In the background: Foreign experts Rufus H. Gouws (University of Stellenbosch), Martina Nied Curcio (Roma Tre), Dominik Brückner (Leipniz Institut für Deutsche Sprache)