Master’s Dissertation of Ketevani Tchigladze
It is our pleasure to announce that Ketevani Tchigladze of the Herbert Ernst Wiegand Class concluded her two-year EMJMD-EMLex Program at the University of Minho successfully, having defended her Master’s Dissertation, titled ‚Towards the modelling of an English-Georgian database of financial audit terminology: with the focus on collocations in specialized context‘, on the 6th of December 2022.
We wish Ketevani all the very best for her personal and professional future.
A heartfelt thank you goes out to Tinatin Margalitadze (Ilia State University, Georgia), co-supervisor of the dissertation, and Fernando Alves (UMinho), external evaluator, and all the EMLex teachers and fellow students who contributed to Ketevani’s EMLEX experience.
Muito obrigada!